Monday, May 21, 2012

9 months

Our little angel turned 9 months on the 18. Here is what she has been up too:
*wears size 4 diapers
*wears 9-12 month clothes
*takes 2 naps a day (long morning nap and short afternoon nap)
*sleeps from 7pm-530 or 6am (she really needs to learn how to sleep in)
*talks so much. Words we can understand: momma, dadda, baba (bottle), bye
*absolutely loves watching her big brother and sister play
*loves all kinds of food, still have not found something she has rejected
*tried pasta for the first time (not bad)

Sadie, Sadie pretty lady, you are such a joy to have and we love you to the moon and back!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet pic, like momma ,like daughter :)