Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sadie is 4 months old

Our little princess turned 4 months old on the 18. Somebody needs to tell her to stop growing because this is going by way to fast. Sadie is such an awesome baby. Here is what she has been up to this month.......
*wearing size 3 diapers
*wearing 3-6 month clothes
*just like her older brother and sister she is a wonderful sleeper. She goes to sleep between 6-7 then I wake her around 10 for a final bottle and she sleeps until 8 or 8:30am
*takes 2 very long naps a day sometimes lasting 3-4 hours
*she has discovered her hands and started grabbing things
*she is trying hard to sit up, she is super strong
*loves to talk really loud and smile at everyone
What a beautiful blessing you have been to our family Sadie, Sadie pretty lady we love to the moon and back

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