Saturday, December 24, 2011

Maddie is 18 months

Our crazy Maddie turned 18 months on the 22. This girl is full of energy and keeps us on our toes. Here is what Maddie has been up to........
*loves music and dances all the time
*the only show she will watch is yo gabba and sometimes Mickey mouse but she would rather be getting into trouble
*wearing size 4 diapers
*wearing 18 month and 24 month clothes
*talking a bit more. For the longest time she would only say around 3 or 4 words but now she is repeating what we tell her
*she is very stubborn
*loves to play with Holden and do whatever he is doing
*loves giving kisses
*goes to sleep at 7pm and gets up around 8-8:30am
*takes a 1 to 2 hour nap a day
*24lbs 3oz (43%)
*33 inches (90%)
Maddie, you sure do roll to the beat of your own drum and we love it. You have so much personality sometimes it's a lot to handle but I would not want you any other way. Love you Madagascar (as your brother calls you)

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