Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Last Day of Basketball

Holden's last basketball game was on August 26th. We are so proud of him. Holden had never played before and missed the first three practises while we were in Hawaii. He met his team and played for the first time at the first game. He really had no idea what to do. He made so much progress through the season and really blew us away with his defense. He definitely wants to continue playing and getting better

 the coach gave out medals after the game

 uncle Mike, auntie DG and the kids made it out for the last game. Holden loved having them there 
 that night we went to our friends house to watch the fight. Poor Holden had a really bad injury. He slipped and smashed his mouth on the corner of their coffee table. He knocked out a permanent front tooth and fractured his bone. Thankfully our awesome dentist came in for us that night and was able to put the tooth back in with some stitches and a wire. He also pulled a baby tooth that got pushed up in his gums. It was pretty scary but he is healing really well. His mouth swelled up pretty bad but it is getting better every day. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

😁glad you are getting better Holden, we love you, brave boy 💙