Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend

What a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving break. Everyone had the week off so we enjoyed some extra family time. We headed out to Apple Valley to spend Thanksgiving at auntie DG and uncle Mikes house

 they loved playing with Nate's instruments 
 boy time

 setting up the big table
 we got some big news......uncle Gabe and auntie Michelle are expecting a bundle of joy in June. We are so excited to have a new baby in the family!!!

 movie time
 Maddie and Nathan have a special bond
 yummy dessert time
 the next morning our friend Snowflake arrived at our house. He brought all he kids advent calenders 

 we headed up to Lake Arrowhead to spend the weekend at the cabin

 Snowflake was a sneaky little elf and hid all over the cabin

 tea party with daddy
 the kids love decorating the cabin tree

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Aww you guys got a lot food shots at the cabin. We should go on that walk next time. Looked gorgeous!