Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June update

Here are a few things we have been up to this month.......

My friends Desiree and Misty are both teachers and just started their summer break. I joined them on a relaxing day at Glen Ivy since I'm off on Monday's 

a huge congrats to Dr. Pitassi! Michelle got her Doctorate while raising 4 kids, super impressive 

a little dinner date at Red Robin with Sadie 
and a breakfast date at Mimi's 
Ryan and Holden joined Dave and Gavin in Huntington Beach for the annual VW bus show on the pier 

Miss Maddie got her braces taken off on the 3rd

Holden's football buddy Jorden has a birthday in June as well, so his mom took the boys to the park to have a little birthday lunch for them 

we joined the Dragna's at the Lemon Festival in Upland on the 14th

we had dinner at the Captains Grill 

it was a surprise to us that Eve 6 was playing, fun little high school flashback 

 little Dario had his 13th birthday party on the 15th

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of fun times