Sunday, March 17, 2024

March Update

Here are a few things we have been up to this month...........

dinner with the Dragna's and Woodcocks last night

Maddie had her second soccer game yesterday. Maddie is doing so well. They put her on defense, and she is rocking it! Way to go Mads 

Maddie's cheering section. It started raining on us mid game 

we have a community garden a few miles from our house. I have a client that has had a garden bed there for years but no longer has the time to take care of it, so she asked if Ryan and I wanted to help take it over. We went down there Saturday morning to get the run down. We planted a bunch of veggies. We can't wait to see everything grow. 

There are 3 ducks that live in the garden. Sadie named one Quackers LOL

planting some tomatoes 
Sadie helped with the seeds 

everybody shares at the garden. I picked some leaks, green onion and parsley 
dinner with the girls at Heros last weekend 
This was Maddie's first soccer game last Saturday

 I gave Sadie a little trim a couple weeks ago 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun March 🌱👨‍🌾⚽️