Friday, April 26, 2019

Happy Easter 2019!!!

We had a great Easter this year. We did our traditional egg dying on Saturday. It was a pretty busy day since I worked and Holden had a Baseball game

 our finished eggs 

 now it's time to plant our "magic jelly beans" 

 making our Easter Nests before bed 

they wanted a picture in their nests  
 the Easter Bunny came 
 these stinking kids woke up at 5am.....not cool 
 our jelly beans grew into peep pops 

 building their Lego sets 

 after church we headed to my parents house 
 opening baskets from amma and ampa 

 Easter egg hunt time 

 my dad got everybody t-shirts from his trip to the Masters in Georgia 

 we walked up to the park so the kids could play with their confetti eggs...they made quite a mess 

 celebrating auntie DG's birthday 
 my uncle Sam has season tickets to the Angels and he offered us tickets to the game for the following day. Me, Ryan, my dad and Holden went. They were great seats and Holden was really into the game

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Peter rabbit made a grand entrance🐇🐥 so nice for all the cousins to be together Hoppy Easter