Thursday, November 3, 2016

Busy Fun!

October was another busy month for us (it seems every month is busy for us) the kids had their Red Ribbon Week at school October 24-28. On the 27th they had the local police department and swat team come to their school and talk to them. They brought their vehicles for the kids to see and they even flew a helicopter in. Since it was right up the street, I walked over to see the kids and take some pictures 

 Sadie's class

 the next day was the kids Halloween party and parade at school. I helped out in Maddie's class and Ryan took the afternoon off to help in Holden's class. I watched the parade in the morning and snapped  a few pics 
 Holden's class 

 on the 29th we went to a Halloween party at our friend Dez and Dave's house. Their were plenty of kids to keep our little ones very entertained. We  had a great time 

 Holden won the donut eating contest 

 on the 30th the girls cheered at the Fury soccer game. It was at the Citizens Bank Arena. It was so nice to only have a 10 minute drive 
 the girls were so excited to have their aunts and uncles there 

 the girls had a blast 
 we can't go home without some dippin dots 
 on November 1st Lucy's adoption became finalized. It fell on the exact day of Nathan's adoption which was so crazy. We are extremely lucky and blessed to have this little lady in our family 

 breakfast celebration 

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