Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Holden's First Day of Kindergarten!

Today was the day that I was so excited about for so long. Yes, finally a break! Well, now that it is here all I want to do is reverse time and hold my little boy in my arms again and rock him to sleep. How did the time fly by so fast? I hope Holden  meets lots of friends and has a fun time learning. He was excited and a bit nervous when I woke him up at 6 this morning. (Please excuse the misspelling of Kindergarten on Holden's sign. I can't take credit for that even though I am the bad speller of the family. I think Ryan was a bit tired when he wrote the sign last night. I just had to give him a hard time about it haha)
 daddy took the day off to take and pick Holden up
 he's ready to go

 all lined up and ready to walk to class

 we took the girls to Starbucks after we dropped Holden off
 Holden is so excited to tell us about his day
 I took the kids shopping and to get some frozen yogurt later that afternoon 

it was a very successful first day of school! We can't wait for all the awesome things he is going to learn this year

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Holden 👍 school boy now. We love you, buddy xoxo