Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Camping Trip Round 1

On June 8th we left for the first of our two camping trips for the summer. Ryan drove his parents to LAX in the morning then came home to pack up the van and drive to San Clemente. Mike, DJ and Nate joined us for our trip. We thought it would be a nice trial run for our Yosemite trip. The kids all did surprisingly well. Here is Holden and Sadie all loaded up....Maddie is hidden in the back seat and Atticus was near the trunk, good thing we have a van because we barley made it
 time to set up the tents. My parents came out for the day and to have dinner with us
 amma and Nate
 they played in the dirt non stop......lots of dirty clothes to bring home

 Nathan really enjoyed watching everyone from the pack n play. Sadie loves to play with Nay
 almost done
 Atticus loved being with us
 Holden was a good helper

 bed time for these kiddos 
 saying goodnight to the kids in the tent
 saying goodnight to Nay Nay
 breakfast in the morning

 morning walk down to the ocean

 this was Nathan's first time to feel the ocean and touch the sand, pretty special 

 Holden wanted to take a picture with the lifeguard 

 this talented little lady drew a self portrait 
 play time in auntie and uncles tent
 heading down to the beach for the day

 Atticus had the time of his life playing in the waves and chasing rocks, he loved it

 all cleaned up and having some quite time

 dinner for Nay
 Sadie wanted to try out Nay's camping high chair
 we had a great trip. Looking forward to our next camping adventure 
 bye bye San Clemente 


Anonymous said...

Awesome camping pics !! What a cool place

Mike, Deborah, Nathan, Lucy, and Isabelle said...

Great pics! Great time! Can't wait for the next one. =)