Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

We had the best Easter this year. I get so excited for all the holidays now that the kids are old enough to understand what is going on. Holden was the first one up this morning around 6:15, that is a bit of a sleep in for this house. We went downstairs to see if Peter Rabbit (as Holden calls the Easter Bunny) made a stop at our house
 next up was Maddie

 "Peter Rabbit" left some Easter eggs around the house

 Maddie's new baby doll

 next we went outside to see if our jelly beans grew

 Holden was very excited to see that they grew into lollipops
 we told the kids they could have a couple licks

 finally my sweet Sadie woke up

 this girls is always happy

 having a tea party

 enjoying his new Lego set
 trying on their new shirts


 too much excitement for this girl
 after the girls nap we got dressed up to go to amma and ampa's house

 spoils from amma and ampa

 Sadie did not want to take these glasses off for the rest of the day

 Easter egg hunt in the back yard

 cousin Nathan with the cutest Easter outfit ever
 dinner time, you don't have to tell this girl twice

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww, super adorable pics, cool girls with their sunglasses on, your hair Holden :) xo