Wednesday, July 18, 2012

11 months

Our baby girl is 11  months old today!! I can't believe it has almost been one year since this precious girl entered our lives. Here is what Sadie has been up to:
*still in size 4 diapers
*wears some 12 month clothes but mostly 18 month, she even shares her sisters clothes already
*scooting all over the house. She scoots on her butt, very funny to watch. She only crawls on her knees for a second then goes right back to her butt
*loves interacting with her brother and sister
*takes a 2 to 3 hour nap in the afternoon
*sleeps in her own room from 7:30pm to around 8am
*trying a lot more big people food and not as into the baby food
*loves when you sing or read to her
*trying so hard to talk. She says mamma. dadda, yes, hi, baba. when you ask her a question she says yes and when you ask her if she is ok she coughs.
*has her bottom 2 teeth
We love you to the moon and back miss Sadie!! You are such a blessing


Jammin' with the Jacobsens said...

Happy Birthday Sadie!! 11 months - what a big girl you are getting! You are a doll! :)

Anonymous said...

awhhh, look at your teeth!
pretty girl, sweet Sadie xoxo