Sunday, June 24, 2012

10 months

Our precious Sadie turned 10 months old on June 18. We love this little girl so much. She is the happiest baby in the world and loves to just watch all the action around her. Here is what Sadie has been up to:
*wearing 12 month clothes
*still in size 4 diapers
*talking so much. She can say: mamma, dadda, bottle and bye pretty clear but she tries to repeat words when you talk to her
*has her bottom two teeth
*sleeps in her own room like a big girl from 7pm to 7am most nights
*takes one to two naps a day
*trying to crawl. She is almost there. She goes backward and scoots on her butt
*loves music and dances when she hears the beat
*weighs 18.3 lbs (27%)
*she is 28.8 inches (76%)

We love you so much little cuddle bug. Happy 10 months Sadie!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sooo much love, & pride, what beautiful grandchilren we have !xo