Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy 11 months!!

Our little baby girl is not so little anymore. Maddie is 11 months today! She has been crawling for a few months but it was the army crawl so we thought she would skip the normal crawling all together but boy were we wrong. Once she figured out how fast she could be on her knees there was no stopping her and that was about the time she stopped being my easy little girl. Here is what crazy Maddie has been up to....
*She is obsessed with climbing the stairs, she can make it all the way up in seconds
*She learned how to climb over her baby gate
*She can get herself out of her baby Einsteins and jumpers
*hates having her diaper changed
*always wants to be around people especially her brother
*wears size 4 diapers
*wears 18 month clothes
*loves eating whatever we are having, not much into her bottles right now
*loves fresh fruit
*stands up on everything and can walk while pushing something
*takes a 2-3 hour nap each afternoon
*sleeps from 7:30pm to 8:30 or 9am (thank goodness she is a good sleeper)

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