Monday, April 25, 2011

10 months

On April 22 Maddie turned 10 months old. She is growing so fast, we are trying to enjoy every minute. Here is what our little princess has been up to....

*wearing 12 to 18 month clothing

*wearing size 4 diapers ( I had to move Holden up to 4's as well because I did not want to buy 2 different sizes but he still could be in 3's

*scooting all over the place. She does the army crawl instead of a normal crawl but she has gotten pretty quick

*Loves taking baths in the big tub with her brother

*sleeps from 8pm. to 8 or 8:30am

* takes one afternoon nap for around an hour to 2 hours

*always wants to be around people

*she just started to talk. She says dada very clearly but mumbles more words that we can't understand

Happy 10 months miss Madeline we love you so much!!!!

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