Sunday, September 22, 2024

September Update

Here are a few things we have been up to this month........

because of the extreme heat, Holden's game was pushed back to an evening game on September 5th. They won against Alta Loma High School

we had 3 pretty major fires surrounding us at the beginning of September, thankfully they are mostly under control now, but our air quality was terrible for a couple weeks. It caused lots of cancelations for the kid's sports 

this is a view from my cousin Michelle's house in Mission Veijo
this is the view from my aunt Debbie's house in Dove Canyon, Orange County 
we celebrated Chris's birthday with happy hour at Paul Martins on September 14th

after our extreme heat, our weather cooled off a bit, so I made some homemade roasted tomato basil soup 

Ryan and Radley waiting for Sadie to get out of school 
Maddie had her first soccer game of the season on September 16th

Holden joined his friends for the Route 66 car show in Ontario on Friday night 
Maddie's best friend Carly threw a surprise party for her boyfriend Dylan 
Maddie's soccer game at Red Hill Park on Saturday morning
I joined my friend Tiffany for day one of the Coastal Country Jam in Long Beach. We had a great time 

we met up with Des and Dave for a bit 

 cool drone show 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos xo