Saturday, May 26, 2018

That's a wrap!!!

I can't believe we are done with this school year. It truly did fly by. We loved the kids teachers this year and I hope we are just as lucky next year. On May 23rd I helped out in Holden's class for their field day. I was in charge of the "noodle game." We had lots of fun!

 gifts for the teachers 
 May 24th was the last day. Holden and Sadie's class had pajama day
 here are some pics from the 1st and last day of school 

my friend Jessica had a birthday party for her  kids Gavin and Ella right after school. It was at Punch Bowl Social at Victoria Gardens. I had to work so my mom took the kids. They had a blast. The girls got their hair done and Holden got his face painted. It was a great kick off to the summer!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great school year, big changes , how much they have grown 😍👏📚xo