Wow, our little girl turned one. I can't even believe how fast this year has flown by. Between having Holden and baby #3 on the way I feel like we just blinked and Maddie turned a year old. Maddie is such a crazy critter, she keeps us on our feet. She hates to sit still and loves chasing after her brother, she is always on the go. Here is what she has been up to....
*Wears 18 month clothes
*Wears size 4 diapers
*Has 2 teeth on the bottom and 2 teeth on top
*climbs the stairs in seconds
*learned to climb over her baby gate
*walks around all the furniture
*can walk if she is pushing something but wont take the steps on her own yet
*Loves food, I have yet to find a food she does not like. She sits in her highchair and feeds herself
*Sleeps from 7:30pm. until 8:30 or 9am
*Takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon
*Says mamma and dadda, she talks a lot but it is in her own language
*Loves playing with our cat Cash and pulling his hair, he must not mind because he keeps coming back for more
*weighs 20lbs 9oz (43%)
*her height is 31 1/2 (97%)
Maddie has such a crazy and awesome personality. We love you so much little mamma and we can't wait to see all the great milestones to come!
1 comment:
Wow that year did fly by! Happy Birthday Maddie :)
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