Tuesday, January 28, 2025

January Update!

December flew by so quickly and I feel like January is the longest month of the year LOL I wasn't the best at taking pictures this month but here are a few things we have been up to.....

Radley loves going on car rides to pick Sadie up from school

my friend Maite was visiting from Utah, so we got together for sushi in Orange County 

Ryan flew up to visit his family in Canada from January 6th-12th. They had such a great visit. I'm so happy he was able to take this trip  

the girls got lots of spoils from gramma and popa 

while Ryan was gone, we had some of the craziest weather. This was the worst windstorm I have ever experienced. This was our neighbor's house....It uprooted his huge tree

our side fence blew down 
Edwin, Nathan and Holden fixed the fence the next day. School was canceled and the power was out at my salon for 2 days 
hanging out at the 210 Tavern 
watching the inauguration on January 20th
Ryan and Holden had their annual boy's trip on January 24th-26th. They camped in Barstow

my friend Carrie had a permanent jewelry party on Sunday. Sadie got an anklet and I got a bracelet 


Sunday, January 5, 2025

NYE In Arizona

We had an awesome time ringing in the new year in Arizona. We got there on December 28th. The sunset was gorgeous that night 

We headed over to the Tapia's that night

the boys love the wings at Hooches 

we headed out the next morning for a very long ride to the Bunker Bar. With all the stops on the way, it took us 5 hours to get there 

had to change a tire 

we finally made it!

the boys golfed early the next morning. We met them at the clubhouse after for lunch

we rode to nacho bar that night to burn the Christmas trees 

on New Year's Eve we rode to Oatman in the afternoon 

the boys stayed at the Tapia's for the day 

that evening, everyone came over to the Dragna's for our New Year's Eve party