Wow 5 months!! This little girl is growing up way to fast for my liking. Here is what Sadie lady has been up to:
*wearing size 4 diapers (they are just a little big but with her brother and sister in the same size it's easier for mommy to buy one jumbo pack)
*loves to grab things in her hand and check everything out, she is very observant
*loves to watch her brother and sister play
*she is the best sleeper ever. I give her a little snack bottle around 6:30 or 7 and she sleeps until 8am
*takes a 3 to 4 hour morning nap and an hour afternoon nap
*wearing 6 month clothes
*she is very talkative
*15lbs 9oz (42%)
*26 1/2 inches (87%)
We love you so much baby Sadie. What a gift you have been