Things have been a bit crazy since we came home with baby Sadie. The kids are adjusting well. Thank god for my moms help. Ryan is back at work already. Sadie has been such an angel, she is a little sleeper just like Maddie was as a newborn. Last night she had her last bottle at 12:30 a.m and slept until 8:00 a.m it was so nice, I just keep my fingers crossed that she continues sleeping so well. Here are a few photos of the kiddos..........Since Holden has his big boy bed we moved his old crib into Maddie's room, looks like she loves her new crib

crazy Maddie loves her cantaloupe

our happy little princess

Holden and his best buds
kisses for sister
Maddie has been walking for a little while but she still crawls a lot. Her favorite thing is when Holden holds her hands and walks with her, it is too cute
so............last night Ryan was taking pictures of the kids and he told holden to pose for the camera and these are the faces he made. He is such a ham

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Welcome Sadie Marie Ryann Knapp
Our little Sadie has arrived!! She was born on 8/18 at 8:18 a.m and weighed 8 lbs 8 oz. I think our lucky number here is "8". She is doing very well. We are so blessed to have another beautiful daughter. We came home from the hospital on Sunday and Sadie is adjusting very well to her new crazy family, lucky for us she likes to sleep. Here are some pictures of her arrival......
Here is daddy all ready to meet his new daughter

beautiful girl

skin on skin time with mommy moments after birth
first family photo
wow, already lifting her head

Holden could not wait to meet his new sis
Maddie waiting anxiously

me and my little man

Kelly, Maite and auntie D.J having a visit
uncle Mike and Holden
Jen and Sadie
sharing some food with Maddie

party of 5

Holden had to put sisters hat on
Michelle and Sadie

Yeah, going home
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