At 3 months old I am.........
- Sitting in my bumbo chair
- Love playing in my jumperoo and baby Einstein play station
- Holding my head up
- Loves watching the TV, no matter where he is, if the TV is on he turns his head to look
- Wearing 3-6 month outfits
- Wearing size 1 diapers
- Taking about 3 naps a day
- Sleeping around 9 hours a night
- Loves the water. Loves playing in mom and dad's big bath tub while sitting in his bumbo chair
- Smiles and giggles except when he is teething
- Looks at mom and dad when they call his name
- trying to roll over in his crib, he is almost there
- Still loves getting his diaper changed, he laughs every time
- Loves listening to music, goes to bed every night to his lullaby CD and gets super excited when a song comes on TV